Duo Aeternica

Clarinettist Kjell Fagéus and pianist Love Derwinger present an atmospheric evening of classical music under the name Duo Aeternica.

Two of Sweden's leading musicians will perform a repertoire by the great composers of the 19th century, including Johannes Brahms and Robert Schumann, as well as contemporary composers such as Anders Nilsson and Andrea Tarrodi.

Duo Aeternica

Concert in the Hall of State at Gripsholm Castle
10 August at 19:00
Kjell Fagéus, clarinet
Tove Derwinger, piano
Price: SEK 250

Concert tickets can be purchased via the Tickets menu button on this page.

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Clarinettist Kjell Fagéus has worked as a chamber musician and a soloist in many contexts. He has performed as a soloist with the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Malmö Symphony Orchestra, the Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Uppsala Chamber Orchestra, the Royal Court Orchestra and others.

Love Derwinger is one of Sweden's foremost pianists. He made his debut at the age of 16 as a soloist in Liszt's Piano Concerto No. 2, and has since given concerts in Europe, the US, Canada, Japan, the Middle East and South America. He has also performed at many prestigious festivals around the world.

Top image: Kjell Fagéus and Tove Derwinger. Photo: Knut Capra Pedersen

Duo Aeternica will perform at Gripsholm this summer. Photo: Raphael Stecksén

Classical music in a historical setting. The concert will be held in the Hall of State at Gripsholm Castle. Photo: Bruno Ehrs